SEAN 2.0 implements the following metrics:
- Completed: true when the robot's final pose is within a specified distance of the goal. The final distance threshold is easily adjustable by the user, but defaults to 1.2m.
- Total Path Length: (meters): geodesic distance of all poses in the robot's path sampled at 1Hz.
- Minimum Distance to Goal: (meters): the closest the robot passes to the goal position.
- Final Distance to Goal: (meters): distance between the last robot position and the goal position.
- Time Not Moving: seconds that the robot was not moving.
- Path Irregularity: (radians): total rotations in the robot's traveled path greater than the total rotations in the search-based path from the starting pose.
- Path Efficiency: (meters): ratio between robot's traveled path and geodesic distance of the search-based path from the starting pose.
- Robot on Person Personal Distance Violation: number of times the robot approaches a person within the personal distance of a person.
- Person on Robot Personal Distance Violation: number of times a person approaches the robot within the personal distance of the robot.
- Robot on Person Intimate Distance Violation: number of times the robot approaches a person within the intimate distance of a person.
- Person on Robot Intimate Distance Violation: number of times a person approaches the robot within the intimate distance of the robot.
- Robot on Person Collision: number of times the robot collides with a person.
- Person on Robot Collision: number of times a person collides with the robot.
- Static Obstacle Collision: number of times the robot collides with a static obstacle.